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The next best thing to live classes! Stream this 7-week parenting class based on Positive Discipline. Recording is divided into 42 segments that you can watch at your own pace in the comfort of your home. Buying this product grants you unlimited access to the class.
Part of the Complete Parenting Class, these 3 segments provide an introduction to Positive Discipline, an overview of themes covered in the Complete Class, and a quick explanation of how Positive Discipline work in family dynamics.
Part of the Complete Parenting Class, this segment focuses on changing how we talk to our children to nurture positive self-esteem.
Part of the Complete Parenting Class, this segment focuses on the ways parents empower children to take charge of responsibilities and move toward healthy independence.
التربية الإيجابية مفهوم يهدف إلى توثيق الصّلة بين الكبار الراشدين والصغار الناشئين، بهدف خلق مجتمعٍ صحّيٍ ذو علاقات سليمة مبنيّة على المحبّة والتواصل والتكامل والتعاون والإحترام.
An illustration showing the critical areas a parent can focus on to nurture a child's ability to self-soothe. 1 page - full color without the watermark.